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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
One reviewer on this was right. The picture does not do it justice. I got this one as a freebie and I will have to say that it has become one of my favorites. Thanks for the freebie.
robs humpty doo
I had this plant until my grandson helped me with my violets. Wish I had been there when he was making them "fly". Have to replace it. In bloom constantly, beautiful violet. Definitely a "gotta have"
Lots of blooms
This is a violet with pale green leaves. It arrived looking rather frail, so I save a leaf off of it. I domed the leaves and kept the young plants domed, even as they began to bloom. All 3 plants turned into lovely, blooming plants , and I have tentatively taken some out to try them w/o a domed environment. I live in central TX where it is hot and dry, and I've not had a lot of luck with the pale green violets. So far so good, though with this one.
Nice Trailer.
love this! Easy bloomer.
The picture doesn't do this one justice!
I ordered 8 trailing violets and this one is my favorite. It was blooming when it arrived and hasn't stopped yet. I thought the foliage was light because of being in the box but it is still a light spring green compared to the other seven. The leaves are larger than the other trailers I got. The plant is incredibly vigorous. The best part is the flowers. They don't look like the picture. They are much prettier with white blooms and the prettiest shade of 'blue' on the sides. You don't have to get close up to see the beauty of the flowers either. The plant is just an eye catcher. I'm very glad I bought it!!!