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African violets and collectible houseplants

Shipping everywhere since 1985
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Please note!  Minimum order is 24 plants and are seller's choice (you cannot itemize specific varieties) and are selected from available stock at that time.  You will receive a variety--not all plants shipped will be the same.

If you need plants in bloom, miniature violets are usually your best choice.  These can be sent as mature plants, in full bloom, with little alteration for shipping. When shipping standard violets, we must prune plants and remove excess blooms to safely ship.  This makes them inappropriate for use as table centerpieces, and the like.  They may, however, still be appropriate for resale at club shows. We cannot ship most other gesneriads in bloom, since we cannot safely ship them as mature plants.  We would suggest having these shipped to you 4-6 weeks in advance of your event, so that you can pot them up and grow them to bloom yourself.  This is easy to do with streptocarpus and kohleria, and can also be done with episcia. 

Availability of blooming plants depends upon demand and our inventory!  Not all of our plants are blooming all of the time, and we cannot make them bloom on demand!  If you must have blooming plants for a specific time or event, it is best to call us to discuss availability.  Please note that demand for blooming plants is greatest in spring and fall and around holidays--this is when it is most difficult for us to accept all such requests.  For this reason, do not ask us to "hold" blooming plants for later shipment (we can often do this for nonblooming plants).

Club 'project plants'.  If your AV society or garden club need more than 10 plants of the same variety/species, we can provide these as well.  Call us for suggested plants and tell us whether you need standard, mini, or trailing violets, or another gesneriad or houseplant.  Price is $7.00 each, plus shipping.  Plants not in bloom will be sent.

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