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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Easy To Grow Trailer
I started my African Violet hobby (addiction?) back in 2006 and my first order included Robs Boolaroo from the Violet Barn. It's classified semi-miniature, but it can quickly outgrow that class. Keep it well-groomed and the almost constant blue fantasy blooms can be enjoyed throughout the year.
I like the way it grows heavy foliage and blooms a lot.
My Wifes Favorite
Bought at Ft Worth Violet Show. My Wife's favorite African Violet. Consistant Bloomer and Grower
Robs Boolaroo
Amazing plant. Blooms and blooms. It is a massive grower and just keeps multiplying! I love this violet!
gorgeous leaves
This violet has yet to bloom for me, but the leaves are profuse and are starting to trail. This is my first trailing violet and I hope the blooms are as pretty.