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Average Rating 4.3 out of 5
No blooms yet, but it's a great, robust little thing! My boyfriend is very jealous of it's lovely foliage.
Beautiful Baby
This one is a little finicky but once you get him in the right light, he goes crazy!!! He is so pretty and flourishes when treated with care
Failure to thrive
This plant just does not want to live for me. The original plant was planted on 10/02/19 and has been at my home for months. The rest of the plants from the same order have all been transplanted twice,, are getting very large and have been blooming like crazy! Poor Sweet Lady Love is still in intensive care, barely clinging to life and I am running out of hope. I do have a leaf down with hopes of growing a replacement and will review again if I ever actually see a bloom! Thank you.
Mine just started blooming, and the blooms look just like the picture. Large, lacy, and a wonderful compliment to the frilly leaves. You won't be disappointed.
I received this violet last July & am very pleased with it. It keeps a nice shape & I especially like the curly leaves & frilly pink flowers. It is a heavy bloomer & one that I am very proud to show off to my friends.