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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Yumpin Yimmini
This was the first strep that I bought many years ago and it set me on the road to growing these beautiful plants. It is still one of my favourites. Lovely blue flowers with a contrasting pale yellow throat. It is easy to grow and flowers profusely.
Love this little strep!
Such a great little plant. The blooms just make me happy; they are so cute and cheerful. It has lovely, compact foliage as well. Definitely a favorite.
Cheryl Petencin
I love this plant. Mine lasted for many years and bloomed heavily. I am ordering a new one today. It is definitely in my top 5 of favorite house plants!
Happy plant!
Despite less than ideal care from me, this wonderful plant is blooming well this spring. Its simple, cheerful flowers are always a joy to see.
best performer
The description of this plant is very accurate. It blooms constantly, the blooms last longer than most, and it stays compact. It's the best performer in my collection!