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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Hardy, but hasn't bloomed
I have had this plant since the summer of 2016. This 'Strep' has proven hardy and has not given me any troubles keeping it alive...BLOOMING it, on the other hand, has thus far been impossible. I have yet to see a single bloom out of this plant, or out of my stepmum's african violet (not from the violet barn, by the way) since it stopped blooming (I had ordered a miniature kohleria in the same shipment as the strep that did bloom briefly, but then stopped...that plant has since died, oddly).
Great plant!
I love this streptocarpus. It is more subtle than some, but is very floriferous, with a standard of two blooms per stalk, and sometimes three. It is listed as miniature, and although it does not grow as big as some, it still fills a three-inch pot very nicely (with a full leaf spread of ~12 inches from the center, 6 inches in each direction - mine is about 3 years old). The flowers are dainty, and show up well against the leaves. One of my favorites!