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African violets and collectible houseplants

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Ma's Melody Girl

Something really different for the collector.  Sdbl. coral stars with raspberry fantasy and banding, then thinly edged white.  Great, well-behaved girl foliage. Small growing standard.  AVSA #9132  Featured photo courtesy of R Miller.


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Ma's Melody Girl

Average Rating 4.9 out of 5

Ma's Melody Girl

This little violet has become my all time favorite! The foliage is so unique with almost round ruffled leaves-well represented in the photos- and the blooms are so complimentary. She is truly a doll- very petite for a standard violet and I would highly recommend adding this violet to your collection.

Anonymous Feb 08 2025, 14:17 PM

Beautiful foliage

I bought this plant a few months ago. The foliage is very unusual and beautiful with yellow centers. The picture doesn't do justice. The rosette is gorgeous. The plant hasn't bloomed yet but it has atleast doubled in size. I have no doubt that the pink blooms will offer a good contrast to the foliage. I highly recommend this plant for all violet growers and you will not be disappointed.

Dhaarini Raghunathan Nov 03 2023, 15:12 PM


Yes, this pint sized small violet is very adorable! The foliage is captivating, over all this plant keeps its shape and has remained a “small standard variety”. However, this plant is fussy about its location in my collection and doesn’t bloom very often. The unusual foliage more than makes up for this. Overall a wonderful plant and one I recommend you add to your collection!

Marilyn Greer Sep 27 2023, 02:02 AM

Beautiful small standard

Beautiful girl foliage, gorgeous blooms!! Mine a little fussy, sometimes misbehaving, giving suckers!! Like it anyway!!

Marina Tuberman Sep 24 2023, 16:46 PM

Strong Girl!

Although USPS sent my box to PA via Las Vegas in the heat of the summer this girl bounced right back. Her girl foliage is well behaved and strong. She propagates very easily. I haven’t seen any blooms as yet, because my plant is still very young. I can tell she’ll be a compact, tidy grower, which I like. Come on blooms! Really, I love her, even without them. I can’t wait until Violet Barn starts putting out more of Ma’s again.

Wanda Blue Aug 28 2023, 10:16 AM

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