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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
Lovely Blooms
I want to thank you for helping the packing, you guys did really good job! This is my second order, just like the first time, all of 8 plants were healthy and secured. None of them had any traces of damage during transport, no broken leaves, loose soil flew all over the place. My heart flowed with gratitude when I see all of them arrived safely. One of them was Warm Sunshine, it came in blooming already. It is just white bloom though, hopefully it will turn yellow the older it get....if not, it is a lovely sweet white nonetheless. Yolanda
A standout in my collection
I wanted a yellow AV so I purchased this one a little over a month ago, and when it arrived I didn't see anything special with it. Presently, it is one of my favorite varieties- it is recently in bloom and its leaves had long since turned dark green and shiny. I love the way the dark leaves intensifies the cream-yellow blooms. It's still a small plant, and even though I already like the color of its blooms, I wouldn't mind if it got a little bit more yellow when it fully matures.
wondering if the plant will darken over time?
This plant has such a fresh feel to it! Mine has medium green leaves, as of now, will see if it matures darker perhaps? The yellow color on my blooms is rather faint and mostly white, but you do get to see some yellow on it. I'm waiting to see how this plant matures and if the colors will change.
One of my favorite Violets
I've had Warm Sunshine for years, and it's one of my favorite violets. The contrast between the warm white and yellow double blooms and the dark green foliage is just stunning. I unfortunately lost my plant this past winter, but I'm looking forward to getting a replacement from the Violet Barn :D
A Favorite
I got this several months ago because I wanted to add some yellow to my collection. It was a funny looking little thing when it arrived. Very mottled and I didn't think that much of this plant. After a few months it filled in and started blooming like crazy. It's now one of my favorite plants. Pics don't do it justice. It's stunning.