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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
Gorgeous flowers
I received this in June 2018 and it took it a couple of months to settle in, but now has multiple big, stunning deep purple, white edged blooms. It could not be more beautiful. I have it in an east window, so far it likes the direct light.
No Luck
I didn't have much luck with SNB. It lived and bloomed for several years, but never looked very happy. The flowers would rarely open right (think fungus) and the plant frequently had powdery mildew. This one preferred lower light, I put it on the end of the shelf close to 'Blue Eyed Russia'. It seems like a good hybrid, just didn't like my growing conditions.
Beautiful plant
Starry night blue is a favorite of mine, love the purple with the crisp white ruffled edge. Just awesome!!
Absolutely gorgeous
This is one of my favorites. A must have if you love African violets. The color is gorgeous and the blooms are huge !
The flowers on this plant are truly beautiful, and the plant flowers often. One of my favorites.