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Average Rating 4.3 out of 5
After receiving this plant, I have come to the same conclusion as the one before, with the title”A Real Surprise!”, because I, too, have noticed that the leaves are very tight, on this particular plant, with no indication of a bloom at no time in the foreseeable future! I’m going to place it in my new terrarium and see if that will improve its attitude! It looks the same as it did when I received it—still living, but no change in appearance.
A surprise!
I’m submitting a second review on this plant, since receiving it, because I wanted to remark on how tightly the leaves are on this plant, so much so that it seems as though it doesn’t want to be bothered! It’s such a cute plant, although the leaves are not as brightly colored as in the picture
A real standout!
This is another plant I have ordered from Violet Barn to arrive soon, and as it is a Petrocosmea, it is a new species to me, but I was captivated by its delicate appearance and I’m excitedly waiting to receive it and hoping it will thrive among my other plants and flowers!