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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Rob's Delicious

This is a beautiful plant with nice variegation. Although it hasn't bloomed yet, I truly enjoy its beautiful foliage.
Perfect Little Mini!

I just received my first order from the Violet Barn and I am so excited! My little Rob's Delicious is adorable with it's perfect tiny leaves. I am looking forward to her getting her first buds. I am very impressed with how carefully my three mini's were packaged and even though the box was on it's side and it was very hot outside these little mini's were happy and healthy, not stressed at all which is more than I can say about myself as I worried over their arrival. What a wonderful way to start my collection. The Violet barn is amazing!
Beautiful foliage

The foliage is beautiful I can wait for it to bloom.
Perfect Plant!

You have to have this one in your collection! Its color is striking--and its form is perfect! This plant takes the top ribbons in our shows!
Constant heavy bloomer!

Always in bloom! Beautiful variegation! Perfect show plant!
Lovely little beauty!

Forgot to rate my first review, but a five star on this one! Eyecatching and fun to watch develop!
rob's Delicious

Love this little palnt, always in bloom and the blooms cover the leaves. Beautiful
Perfect shape, beauriful blooms

I have one of these in full bloom right now and it's show perfect. Gorgeous variegated foliage with perfect form, and the blooms are upright and centered over leaves.