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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5

Rob's Cotton ball is aptly named! A darling full-petalled bloom, just as pictured!
So Pretty!

As with all violets that I've purchased from the Violet Barn, Rob's Cotton Ball arrived in perfect condition and already with blooms. Very pretty violet!
Lots of Blooms

After getting established, this has bloomed in big waves! At one point, it had a full circle of flowers. Doing very well in a terrarium.
delicate and fluffy!

I love this little plant, does best for me in a "grow dome". Always blooming!
High hopes for this one!

I really thought this was going to be a favorite of mine, but it hasn’t grown well for me. Staying very small and not bloomed as of yet. But I am still hopeful, not going to give up yet!!