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Average Rating 4.7 out of 5
A delightful surprise
This one has been a lovely suprise. The blooms are huge with the lovely contrast to the pale leaves. The pictures on this site do not do this plant justice. It is proving to be a strong bloomer. It has quickly become one of my favorites.
Huge Blooms!
Gorgeous plant!
Lemon Rhubarb
Love the leaf color. One of a kind.
A challenge for me anyway!
This one for me has been a real challenge! Growing very slow. It looks to be a show stopper so I’m being patient.
Waiting on flowers!
This violet has a mix of white yellow and light green leaves. Growth has been steady but on the slow side for me under my growing conditions. As on all my other orders, packing and shipping were top notice with violets delivered in perfect condition.
Lemon Pop
Ma’s Lemon Rhubarb is quite different with lemon-colored leaves and medium green veins throughout giving such a nice contrast. This is still a very young plant so has not bloomed as yet, but they are going to be a nice contrast to the unusual color of leaves. If you are looking for something different, this one’s for you!
Beautiful foliage
It's unfortunate that a clear photo of the foliage is not provided in the description, but the leaves are unique as promised. Mostly white/yellow with darker green veining. If this one never blooms for me, it will still be my favorite just for those leaves.