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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5

I’ve had this Hoya for over a year. After repotting it took off. It has bloomed several times and the bloom has a delightful scent. I love it!
Lovely fragrance

This plant is a slow grower for me - indirect light at east facing window. When it blooms, WOW the whole room is transformed by just one small dime shaped cluster of flowers. Just love it!
Love this plant

I have been reading reviews of this hoya from every source that carries it . Everyone loves this hoya . None of the sources ever seem to have it in stock . I have been trying to find one all spring and summer ! You have made me so happy . I got one for myself and am sending one to an old friend . The easy hoya are great as long as they have small pots , good drainage ( I like to add horticultural charcoal to the mix ) ,water it then let it dry out before you water again they are foolproof I have never killed one
Sweet and lovely

My plant took a while to get established, but now it's taking off and producing tons of lovely scented flowers. Arrived with a broken piece, so I rooted in sphag and even that is producing peduncles.
favorite plant

This was the plant that got me interested in growing hoyas. It bloomed regularly for years and was an easy and rewarding plant.
Another favorite!

I love this Hoya. A more recent purchase, but it’s grown like crazy! I can’t wait to experience the blooms one day, but for now, I love watching it grow!
Favorite (blooming) Hoya

Favorite Hoya - my kitchen windowsill plant. I’ve given this plant to my friends as an introduction to the beauty of hoya’s. M. Thomas
Wonderful Scent

This little plant has bloomed over and over and over again on my windowsill. The tiny flowers have the most delicious scent. I highly recommend this plant to any fan of hoyas.

One of my all time favorite plants. By vining it pot to pot, I get as many as 20+ blooms at once with a fragrance that completely permeates the house.
Wonderful scent!

I have had this plant for several years. It is a very nice grower for me and is always covered in sweet smelling blooms.

This is my second Hoya. The first from another vender didn't survive, so I was concerned about trying again. No worries, this one is easy and has a lovely fragrance. Mine has only bloomed twice in the year an a half I have had it, 2 blooms the first time and 1 the second, but it is growing vigorously and looks charming in a large porcelain cup with saucer.
Vigorous and easy

This tiny-leaved plant is one of the most vigorous miniatures that I have. It grows very well, even in difficult conditions. Leaf shape is somewhat variable, some shorter and almost heart-shaped, others longer ovals with pointed ends. I like it very much --- it's a great one for beginners, as you get to see lots of growth, quickly. And it never will get to be too big.
Resurrection Plants

I call the hoyas my resurrection plants. I had been summering them outside, hanging them under a thick Maple tree. The growth I got was impressive. In the autumn, I was gathering my summering plants to bring them back into my sunroom. I missed my hoyas and they endured a hard (23) freeze. I was sick. I brought them in anyway, refusing to throw them away.I really thought that there was no chance of retreiving them. Of course ,all the leaves turned to mush and the stems brittle breakers. I kept them moist and sure enough , they sprouted and began to grow with a vengeance ,as if they were determined to achieve their former glory. I summered them again this year and they are even more spectacular than they had been before the freeze, in one year. I would recommend the hoyas as indestructible plants with a scintillating fragrance and interesting exotic blooms. Love them.!!!
Great little plant!

This Hoya has such beautiful little leaves! I would recommend this plant to anyone and even gave started giving out cuttings to friends, due to them all loving the plant.
Good sniffs!

I always thought scented flowers were difficult to grow indoors. This plant is super easy and one of the best smelling plants ever! It smells like the cooler in a florist shop. The scent wafts around our apartment at night and it's wonderful. I want one in every window! It's as cute as a button, even when it isn't blooming (which is rare). I think this is the one plant I will never be without.
Fragrent blooms

I got this sweet little plant and a few others about 4 years ago. All are thriving even in dry desert climate. This one is by far my favorite with attractive foliage and lots of pleasantly fragrant blooms. Wendy Bronson
perfect little plant!

I ordered this plant in early November ... it's grown vigorously, creating a great mop of dense foliage against the wall (it grows in a wall-mounted cube. Six months later, the first flowers are developing, and I cannot wait to update how they progress. The vitality of this and the other hoyas I've received is a treat!
Lots of fragrant blooms!

This plant started producing flowers for me in ~10 months, and at 1 year is covered with the fragrant blooms (I would describe the scent as floral, or for the organic chemists: linalool). Nice foliage as well. Highly recommended.