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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Unique color

I'm very happy with the plant that I received. The color is UNIQUE! It's a mixture of red, pink, and coral orange. The leaves are lovely and strong.
Burnt Autumn

Absolutely gorgeous! The photo does not do it justice. The color is a deep burnished copper, and although I have had it for only two months it is just beginning to bloom and is going to become one of my favorites.
Highly Recommended!

I bought Burnt Autumn from another seller when I visited their nursery in Upstate NY Oct last year, as a small starter plant. What initially attracted me to it was the nicely scalloped dark green glossy foliage. Fast forward 4 months later and it is now 12 inches in diameter and blooming for the first time. The flowers are more deeply colored than the picture above, a rich dark red. Each blossom measures about 2 inches. What's more, the flowers stalks are robust and carry the 4-5 opened flowers proudly straight up above the leaves. This is always a plus point for me. A wonderful plant and highly recommended! P.S. Attention Violet Barn - I'm planning an Upstate NY vacation this year and can't wait to see your newly renovated nursery and of course your beautiful African Violets!