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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Never stops blooming

Even if it has wilted due to no watering in a few days, after a drink, it just bounces back and continues to bloom.
So adorable

I kept overlooking this plant when I would see it for sale because the colors didn't seem vibrant enough. However, I kept hearing friends of mine and others raving about how cute it was and how it was a great bloomer so I decided to give it a try. Wow, it is a real cutie pie and with close to 100 streps I could use a more compact strep in my collection lol. Once it got acclimated to my environment, it has been blooming non-stop and it's still a young plant so I am looking forward to when it is a bit more mature. I would definitely recommend this strep and give it a top rating.
Fun little strep

I ordered this several years ago when I had streps, and I’ve decided to get back into them. This was one of the first ones I put into my basket because I enjoy it so much. The name for this seems perfect because it doesn’t take up a lot of space but has nice blooms. I can count on this giving me lots of enjoyment.
Must have

This strep is so amazing! It's always in bloom and always selfs.
My favorite.

This is my all time favorite streps.Profuse flowering habit forms a beautiful crown.