"How to Know and Grow Gesneriads” is a 80-page manual, fully illustrated with color photographs, and includes detailed chapters on the 52 most popular genera of gesneriads, as well as thorough cultural information. This is the perfect resource for the beginning, intermediate, or advanced gesneriad grower. It is an update, and huge improvement over the original, out of print, "How to Know and Grow Gesneriads" first published 17 years ago.
From the manual's introduction, "In the following pages you will find an overview of the Gesneriad family from a botanical point of view. The next section contains genus-by-genus descriptions and photographs of species and hybrids in some of the most popular gesneriad genera. Finally, we provide you with in-depth instructions on gesneriad culture so that you will be able to successfully grow these plants yourself".
If you wish to explore this family of plants, many of which are found on this website, having this manual in your collection is very highly recommended.