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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Black Pearl Sport
This is a beautiful. I have been looking for the Black Pearl with the black flowers. Do you have any input on that . I think the name is Mac's Black Pearl.
One of my favorites
Great plant with beautiful foliage and flowers. A must have for a Russian collection!
Just measured a fully-opened bloom: 2 inches across! The photo does not do it justice. Luscious purple/lavender coloration, with lots of blossoms. Have only had it for less than three months, but it is very healthy, being grown under only natural light right now.
Black Pearl Sport
Multiplies like rabbits. After only 4 months of receiving a small plant, I have given away 3 suckers that had grown into 4 inch plants in 30 days or so. And I have 3 pots of babies that need separating. It blooms continuously, under lights, and is just beautiful. I am hooked on the Russian varieties.