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Average Rating 4.8 out of 5
Awesome plant!!

Love this little plant! The flowers are very delicate and beautiful also. It keeps producing suckers so now I have 4 of these beautiful plants! Much hardier than it looks!!
A real go-getter!

I am really happy with this plant, because it has never stopped blooming since I received it! It was blooming when I got it, and has never stopped! This is a new type flower for me, and if this plant speaks of most others of its species, it will always rate highly on my list!
A “High Five”

Since submitting a previous rating before it’s arrival, I simply had to give an updated review of this plant, as it earns a definite high rating from me, because it was blooming from the start and has produced more of them since it’s arrival! I love its dainty, double violet blooms, and its appearance, in general! Thank you, Violet Barn, for making such beautiful plants available for purchase!

I have just ordered this plant, as it caught my eye because it brings to mind a bashful, vulnerable little child! I have two other plants from the Violet Barn and am looking forward to the arrival of this one, among others that I have also ordered from VB!
My first Petrocosmea

Arrived in good condition. Packed very well. Excited to see how this grows.